Hi, I'm Nicolas Cointe
Nice to see you hereWelcome on my personal webpages
I am a consultant in AI with 8 years of professional international experience including a PhD, permanently looking for investigating new technologies, jumping in ambitious projects and sharing my passion for several research topics and some new technologies coming on the market.
These few pages are made to share some info on my research, as well as personal reflexion, results of project, data, few lines of code and so on.
Just a quick overview
As an AI researcher, I am more particularly interested in symbolic AI, i.e. the implementation of autonomous agents using formal logic to model complex reasoning. My main research topics these past years were Computational Ethics, Information Regulations and modeling human behaviour using social choice theory.
Working in the industry also gave me the opportunity to explore and use some brand new concepts and technologies of the Industry 4.0. As a non-exhaustive list, let me mention quickly for instance:
- Cosimulation using the FMI standard,
- Digital twins,
- Data contextualization in datalakes
- Virtual/Augmented Reality.
- Automated reasoning
Using or -even better- developing tools and integrating those solutions in complex industrial ecosystems is definitely the kind of challenges I am born for. And I am always open to onboard more collaborators on our internal projects.
Obviously, I do not share here any data nor critical information related to my clients. Please consider as well that all the content of these pages as well as my git, Researchgate, Linkedin or Scholar ones are under my personal responsibility and can not engage my current company, clients, nor any of my past employers.